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What are the fees for Chiropractic?

Adult Consultation


Child Consultation


Adult Adjustment


Child Adjustment


12 Adult Adjustments
10% saving


12 Child Adjustments
10% saving


Family Discount when >3 family members in care
20% saving

Applied to packages

Becoming a new client

This starts by getting to know you better: taking a full health and life history, discovering your expectations and answering any questions you may have. We then do an in-depth study of your body looking at range of motion, balance, posture, your body-brain connection, neurological health and spinal health.

In the majority of cases, you will also recieve an adjustment at the time of the examination. We will then explain everything we have found and what we would recommend going forward. This means you have everything you need to know if Chiropractic is right for you on your first visit.

If you need a late night appointment, there is the option to do the talking part of your new client visit via online video call, or we can do it all in person. Both options are available to book here online for a day and time that suits you.

Because we care

We donate a percentage of our profits to local charities as our way of saying thank you and giving back to the community. Right now we are donating to the Midlothian Food Bank.

You deserve this

Discover a new approach to health, your mind and body will thank you

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General Chiropractic Council.
Scottish Chiropractic Association.